About Me:
My research background is in organic electronics, solid-state physics, computer modeling, and self-assembly driven processes (using block-copolymers), with the focus on utilizing those to create new functional materials as the building blocks of novel, soft-electronic devices (as demonstrated through vertical organic transistors).
To expand these concepts, I currently focus on developing self-assembled materials with increasing structural and chemical complexity by computationally designing proteins (using Rosetta) to create 2D arrays. My main interest is to use those as scaffolds which subsequently could be functionalized (with focus on manipulation of proteins’ electrical conductivity) and propagate their molecular properties to macro-level material characteristics relevant to practical electronic devices.
For further details see my personal webpage.
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, B.Sc. in biomedical eng.
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, M.Sc. and a PhD in nanoscience and nanotechnology