At the end of a historic year for protein design, the Baker lab was honored to be profiled in the New York Times by famed science writer Carl Zimmer. Zimmer writes about the technology, progress and promise in the field, noting the contributions from our wonderful crowdsource participants.

On the technology front, Rosetta continues to improve year over year thanks to the hard work of the RosettaCommons. Given ongoing advances in DNA synthesis and protein screening technology, there is still so much more we can design and discover.
Progress in the field of protein design was staggering in 2017. Thousands of de novo proteins were produced, with new features, folds and functions. From immunotherapy, drug delivery, anti-viral activity and more, this truly was an awesome year for applied protein design.
The promise of the field has never been greater. As David says at the close of the article, “As we understand more and more of the basic principles, we ought to be able to do far better.”
Read the full profile here: Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins for Your Body